Code and Cypher explores the intersection of technology, cybersecurity, and automation.

An intricate digital illustration highlighting Python's role in network scanning and mapping for cybersecurity. At the center is a prominent Python logo surrounded by a glowing network topology diagram with interconnected nodes. The scene includes visual elements like routers, firewalls, and magnifying glasses symbolizing scanning and analysis. The background features a dark gradient with overlaid green and blue code fragments and a radar-style circular scan effect. A digital map with highlighted IP ranges adds a technical, futuristic vibe, emphasizing cybersecurity, discovery, and automation.

Automating Network Scanning and Mapping with Python

In the world of cybersecurity, understanding the layout and vulnerabilities of a network is crucial. Python, with its rich ecosystem of libraries, provides tools to automate network discovery and vulnerability scanning efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore how to use Python for network scanning and mapping, focusing on practical use cases with scapy and nmap. Code examples are included to help you get started.

Getting Started

Before diving into the examples, ensure you have Python installed along with the required libraries. You can install scapy and python-nmap using the following commands:

pip install scapy

pip install python-nmap

Using **scapy** for Packet Crafting and Analysis

scapy is a powerful library for crafting and analyzing network packets. It’s highly flexible and widely used in network research and security tasks.

Example 1: Performing a Ping Sweep

A ping sweep is used to identify active devices within a specific range of IP addresses.

from scapy.all import ICMP, IP, sr1

# Network Scanning and Mapping with Python
target_network = ""

# Loop through IP addresses and send ICMP packets
for ip in range(1, 255):
    target_ip = f"192.168.1.{ip}"
    packet = IP(dst=target_ip)/ICMP()
    response = sr1(packet, timeout=1, verbose=0)

    if response:
        print(f"Host {target_ip} is up.")
Code language: PHP (php)

This script:

  • Creates ICMP packets for each IP in the range.
  • Sends packets and checks for responses to identify live hosts.
Example 2: Capturing Packets

scapy can also capture network traffic for analysis.

from scapy.all import sniff

# Define a callback function to process packets
def packet_callback(packet):

# Start sniffing network traffic
sniff(filter="icmp", prn=packet_callback, count=10)
Code language: PHP (php)

This script captures 10 ICMP packets and prints their summaries.

Automating Scans with **python-nmap**

python-nmap is a wrapper for the Nmap tool, making it easy to integrate network scans into Python scripts.

Example 3: Scanning for Open Ports
import nmap

# Initialize the Nmap scanner
scanner = nmap.PortScanner()

# Define the target host and ports
target_host = ""
ports = "22,80,443"

# Perform the scan
scanner.scan(target_host, ports)

# Display the results
for port in scanner[target_host]['tcp']:
    state = scanner[target_host]['tcp'][port]['state']
    print(f"Port {port}: {state}")
Code language: PHP (php)

This script:

  • Uses python-nmap to scan a target host for open ports.
  • Prints the state (open, closed, filtered) of each port.
Example 4: Parsing Nmap Scan Results
import nmap

# Initialize the Nmap scanner
scanner = nmap.PortScanner()

# Scan a network range
scanner.scan('', arguments='-sn')

# Parse the results
for host in scanner.all_hosts():
    if scanner[host].state() == 'up':
        print(f"Host {host} is up")
Code language: PHP (php)

This script identifies all active hosts in a network using Nmap’s ‘ping scan’ functionality.

Best Practices for Network Scanning

  1. Use Responsibly: Only scan networks you own or have explicit permission to test.
  2. Handle Data Securely: Avoid exposing scan results unnecessarily.
  3. Optimize Scans: Limit the scope and intensity of scans to avoid overloading the network.


Python’s scapy and python-nmap libraries make network scanning and mapping efficient and accessible. Whether you’re identifying active hosts or scanning for vulnerabilities, Python empowers cybersecurity professionals with the tools to automate these tasks effectively. In the next post, we’ll explore how to parse and analyze logs for threat detection using Python.

Happy scanning! 🚀