Code and Cypher explores the intersection of technology, cybersecurity, and automation.

Password Cracking and Strength Testing with Python

Password security remains a cornerstone of cybersecurity. Understanding how passwords are cracked helps defenders build stronger defenses, while evaluating password strength ensures better protection against attacks. This article explores how Python can simulate brute-force attacks and test password strength while emphasizing ethical considerations.

Why Study Password Cracking?

Understanding how attackers compromise passwords enables cybersecurity professionals to:

  • Identify vulnerabilities in password policies.
  • Educate users on creating stronger passwords.
  • Implement better defense mechanisms.

Note: Always ensure your activities comply with ethical guidelines and legal requirements.

Simulating Dictionary Attacks

Dictionary attacks leverage precompiled wordlists to guess passwords. Using Python’s hashlib, you can simulate such an attack.

Code Example: Cracking a Hashed Password with a Dictionary

import hashlib

# Password Cracking and Strength Testing with Python
hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(b'securepassword').hexdigest()

# Dictionary of potential passwords
dictionary = ['password123', '123456', 'letmein', 'securepassword']

# Attempt to match hashed password
for word in dictionary:
    hashed_word = hashlib.sha256(word.encode()).hexdigest()
    if hashed_word == hashed_password:
        print(f"Password found: {word}")
    print("Password not found in dictionary.")Code language: PHP (php)

What this does:

  • Simulates hashing dictionary words with SHA-256.
  • Compares each hash to the target hashed password.

Evaluating Password Strength

Testing password strength involves assessing its complexity (length, character variety, etc.). Python can automate this evaluation.

Code Example: Password Strength Tester

import re

def evaluate_password_strength(password):
    score = 0
    if len(password) >= 8:
        score += 1
    if'[A-Z]', password):
        score += 1
    if'[a-z]', password):
        score += 1
    if'[0-9]', password):
        score += 1
    if'[!@#$%^&*(),.?":{}|<>]', password):
        score += 1

    return score

# Test passwords
passwords = ['123456', 'Secure123', 'P@ssw0rd!', 'weakpass']
for pwd in passwords:
    strength = evaluate_password_strength(pwd)
    print(f"Password: {pwd}, Strength Score: {strength} / 5")Code language: PHP (php)

What this does:

  • Scores passwords based on best practices for length and complexity.
  • Helps users gauge password quality.

Best Practices for Secure Password Policies

  1. Length: Require at least 12 characters for stronger resistance against brute force.
  2. Complexity: Include uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
  3. Uniqueness: Avoid reusing passwords across different accounts.
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication: Use additional security layers beyond passwords.

Ethical Considerations

When testing password security:

  • Obtain explicit permission from system owners.
  • Avoid testing real user accounts without authorization.
  • Educate users and organizations about improving password security.


Python offers powerful tools for simulating password attacks and testing strength, enabling cybersecurity professionals to identify weaknesses and improve defenses. By understanding the methods attackers use, defenders can build more robust systems and enforce better password practices.

Stay tuned for the next installment in our series, where we’ll delve into another exciting aspect of cybersecurity with Python!

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